Will I be able to find out the results?

The findings of the trial will be available at the study website once the study is complete. You will be given a link to this information at the end of the study and if you wish to receive a hard copy of the results this will also be available. The results of the research will also be published in academic and medical journals and at conferences. You will not be identified personally in any report/publication.

Will there be after-care support?

No, not directly from the trial team but your GP will know that you have taken part in the trial and can help with any health-related problems after the study has finished.

Previous participant's story

“I’ve changed the activities now that I’m off the programme… I’ve also been inducted in the gym … and I’ve got a very personal program for the gym and I’m combining that with the swimming… and it’s that combination that works, really…”

David continues to be physically active after the study